Rage Club — Emergence of a Radically Alive CultureAround the planet, little groups of people are coming together in an ongoingly evolving Gameworld called Rage Club.Jun 20, 2024Jun 20, 2024
Men & DignityDear man, I ask you to read this article and feel what it does to you. Keep one part of your attention sternly fixed on your heart. Feel…May 23, 2024May 23, 2024
Published inNEXT CULTUREA Journey Beyond RepairWhen I first heard Anne-Chloe Destremau (a trainer of the Possibility Management Gameworld) in a Rage Club Spaceholder Training say…Mar 1, 2024Mar 1, 2024
Published inNEXT CULTUREOne Year at Chuckleberry FarmI arrived at Chuckleberry on the 18th of February 2023. Today is the 26th of February 2024, and in two days I will leave the Farm.Feb 28, 2024Feb 28, 2024
Response to the Article Beyond RepairThis text is a response to the article “Beyond Repair” and the Study group that is reading that article.Nov 13, 2023Nov 13, 2023
The Sacrificial HeroIn the last weeks, I explored how my inner structure is built,Feb 20, 2022Feb 20, 2022
3:30 Is the Line Between Heaven and HellAt the moment I am working with the memes and memetic constructs (that which I think with) that I have to judge my life into “that is good”…Jan 21, 20221Jan 21, 20221
3 Months without the Feminine (mostly)I finished my experiment of having no contact, meaning no eye contact, no touching, and no talking more than necessary to women for 3…Nov 8, 2021Nov 8, 2021
Recipe for Tranfsormational FalafelTo create Falafel is a time investment of around 2 hours. That might seem like a long time for a few Falafel but do not forget, creating…Sep 2, 2021Sep 2, 2021
Things I Have Learned About AngerMy earliest memories about anger go back to when I was around 4 years old. My mother and my father are fighting with each other. I do not…Aug 16, 2021Aug 16, 2021
5 Things Missing in Modern PsychologyI do not write this text as an attack on modern psychology nor to compete with it and argue that what I have found is better.Jul 28, 2021Jul 28, 2021
Your Questions Change the Shape of Your BeingFor many years I have untrained myself from having my own questions and walking with them.Jul 19, 2021Jul 19, 2021
Exiting PatriarchyI write this text as a part of my research about how I can exit the Patriarchy as a man myself. To write this text I have to become a…Jun 28, 20213Jun 28, 20213
The 4 Feelings 5 Bodies ProcessOn my path of exploring the vast world of Possibility Management I came across the distinction of us humans actually having not just a…Jun 8, 2021Jun 8, 2021